To meet the new order of creative and engaged group participation
unitive co-leadership
A self-paced 8-lesson course in transformative group dynamics. Learn the 3 Dimensions of Group Evolution and the 8 Elements that Move Any Group Toward Unity Consciousness
Presented in the NEW New Wave of Groups APP!
Available on iOS and Android devices
​​​To Preview the App: newwaveofgroups.passion.io​
To Purchase: newwaveofgroups.passion.io/checkout​/192641
Anyone who engages with others, and any gathering of two or more
This includes family interactions, therapeutic dyads or groups, business meetings, social get-togethers, spiritual gatherings, educational programs, support groups, and intimate discussions with loved ones. Our classes have benefitted people in many professions and roles—those who long for soul-satisfying group experiences.
The 8 Elements that Move Any Group Toward Unity Consciousness are also beneficial on an individual level, helping to harmonize the group of many voices in your head!
. . . A series of 8 simple yet powerful attitudes and behaviors designed to elevate group consciousness to higher levels of unity. Higher frequencies always lead us to being more open hearted, inclusive, aware of more possibility, self-responsible, coherent, and creative. Adopting any one of the 8 Elements moves us toward new possibilities for thought and action. However, by utilizing all of the 8 Elements together we create an environment conducive to unimagined levels of group awareness, drawing participants closer to the heart and brilliance of unitive consciousness.
The 8 Elements serve as vehicles for transitioning consciousness from one state to another. Understanding one's starting point is essential for knowing where to go. Therefore, integral to our study of the 8 Elements is the perspective of the three groups in which we are always engaged. These groups are the Conventional, Transitional, and the New Wave.
Through this course you will be
unlocking your groups' higher potential
and transforming them into conscious collectives for higher-level healing and creativity
Discover the potential of groups as more than collections of personalities; gatherings that attempt to "fix what's wrong;" or demands for leadership talents. We now know that groups are unique intelligences arising from mutual engagement and intentionality. By tapping into this awareness, we as group leaders and group participants can shift the environment in which we gather for any purpose to one of a higher level of consciousness, accessing new levels of inspiration, support, and healing for individuals and for the greater world.
"The 8 Elements that Move Any Group Toward Unity Consciousness" course presents a roadmap for elevating your relationships and group activities to higher evolutionary states. By fostering deeper connections, greater ease, self-agency, and authenticity, you can transform the dynamics of your group. Through the coherence of these intentionally elevated frequencies, your purpose, creativity, and healing capacity will flourish.
The goal of the New Wave of Groups is to help you create an environment where the "work" or "purpose" of your group is achieved with greater ease and success. Join us in evolving our groups toward unity and unlocking the fuller potential and potency of their higher purpose.
Looking for a great holiday gift? Or an oasis for yourself in the midst of these chaotic times? We are excited to announce the launch of our New Wave of Groups App! Learn the 8 Elements on the go, wherever or whenever you are. Consider gifting the uplifting and inspiring vibes of New Wave of Groups to your friends, loved ones, colleagues...to all your groups. The special launch price of $45 is available through this holiday season. IOS and Android compatible. Email us at patriciapfost@gmail.com to order your App, or purchase at
In-person 5-week courses will resume in the new year. The fee is $495, payable upon registration and fully refundable if participants are not satisfied. Scholarships and a flexible payment plan are available.
"There is something that happens to me when I am using the 8 Elements that changes the way I interact with others. My openness affects the dynamic for everyone because I have space for everything."
"Pioneering work!"
Within Families
• Create a safer space to express and to listen
• Inspire more openness to opposing viewpoints, creating more curious conversation rather than heated contention
• Deepen contact, intimacy, and trust as a result of more authentic expression
• Enhance sharing and partnership. . . of talents, ideas, essential contributions
For Therapy Groups or Dyads
• Create a therapeutic environment in which the group plays a new and creative role
• Promote self-agency in clients
• Explore and empower a non-expert model and more easily encourage co-leadership
• Awaken creative solutions and enhance healing
* 8 Elements consciousness transmits whether spoken or silent
In Business Groups
• Encourage greater curiosity about what others have to contribute
• Enable greater openness to new ideas
• Inspire cooperation rather than competition
• Enhance ability to recognize and respond to the unique needs of each situation, fostering resilience and agility in interactions.
Creative Arts Groups and Classes
• More spontaneity, creativity, and a free flow of essence
• Awakened group intelligence enlivening expression and relationship
For Spiritual Groups of any Orientation
• Open hearts
• Create more equally participatory environments rather than total reliance on the leader
• Provide a method by which groups can predictably attune to the higher intelligence of their spiritual orientation and navigate the territory as a conscious connected body
For Social Groups
• Create an environment of more safety, trust, and inclusion
• Facilitate a direct route to rich conversation, heartfelt connection, and deeper satisfaction
For Personal Growth and Healing
• Shift perception of self and others fostering greater alignment with values and purpose
• Begin to smooth the energy and provide a safer ground for objective exploration during emotionally charged situations (Great for those 3AM brain/heart/emotion tangles)
• Utilize the coherent consciousness of your groups to metabolize and transform personal issues
​For Collaboration among Groups
• Quickly establish a foundation for collaborative conversation
• Move groups toward individual and unitive coherence
• Find alignment of seemingly disparate goals within a larger unitive intelligence
You will experience and learn. . .
a new type of partnership among all group members that increases a sense of unified awareness while simultaneously enhancing individual talent and self-agency
“I experienced healing at the root of my being because of the conscious way the group connected to function together. I am freer to offer what arises at every moment in time, therefore experiencing a lighter sense of living and knowing who I am.”
to engage in the conversation so it continually feels rich and enlivening
"I feel increasingly more aware of the importance of staying grounded and present to the moment. Authenticity and letting go of ego became much easier in my experience of this particular group. I find the 8 Elements to be very helpful, and actually quite important to keep uppermost in my mind."
how to come to the completion of your group meetings feeling uplifted and satisfied
"The 8 Elements series brought a deeper understanding and body-felt awareness of unity consciousness and how to orient a group toward it. From that space of all possibility, many miracles happen. Pioneering work!”
how to follow your own natural rhythm and support others in following theirs
"My class arose from the larger intelligence of the group, not from me. I did not need to worry. I helped shape it from what felt right to me in the moment, but others also formed the class from what felt right to them and speaking from within their unique talent."
that everything you bring to your group is welcomed and appreciated​
“The New Wave groups invite the very deep and alive presence of my essence just the way it is.”
to trust your self-knowing and authenticity, and that you are bringing your best to the group, even if it doesn't feel like it
“I feel liberated, authentic, and mature, taking part in groups now and in life in general. I think that through integrating it for groups it will become a way to show up in life everywhere I go.”
“I feel and know my self-agency in a way I have never experienced. It is embodied now.”
the experience of completely belonging in any group
"Patricia and Anne have developed a model for working in groups that is safe, egalitarian and experiential. As we practice meeting together I am astounded at the depth of healing that is unfolding for me. The facilitators hold our space with great love, patience and acceptance."
that everyone is included; no one is left out
"The work with the New Wave of Groups has been profoundly good for me. I joined the group with no particular expectations. I questioned whether I "fit" in this group because I hadn't done the kind of work the others had done. What I discovered, repeatedly, was a group of kind, open, and generous people who were willing to be together sharing their journey, both inward and outward."
You will learn to shift. . .
From "GroupThink". . .Traditional, hierarchical, expert-led groups with subtle pressure to conform, perform, and achieve acceptable outcomes,
To "GroupBeing". . . New Wave co-leadership groups with enhanced self-responsibility, self-agency, coherence, creativity, and pleasure.
Via "GroupBecoming". . . Transition groups that fluidly bridge the old "GroupThink" and the evolving "Group Becoming."